A nutritionist told me how chewing gum helps to lose weight

the dietician told me about the beneficial properties of chewing gum, and what is her danger.

According to the chief freelance nutritionist of the Department of health the Antonina Starodubova, chewing gum can help with weight loss due to the fact that people rarely bites, controls food cravings and works of the masticatory muscles.

Also, as noted by the expert, the elastic band helps to cope with stress because of repetitive movements during chewing help stabilize the emotional state. The medic urged not to wait that chewing gum will allow you to lose weight without difficulty. “But some people have noted a decrease in appetite with regular chewing, reducing the frequency of snacking as due to the busy mouth, and due to changes in taste perception,” said Starodubov, said the Agency “Moscow”.

the Medic also said that the stimulation of salivation is useful for the mouth, as it stops the multiplication of bacteria in the mouth.

the expert warned that frequent and prolonged chewing of gum is fraught with violation of articulation, head pain and problems with fillings, crowns and implants.

Starodubova advises to prefer the sugar-free gum, chew it no more than 10-20 minutes at a time and no more than 30 minutes a day.

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