A nutritionist told me which product will help in the fight against aging and excess weight

the Dietician told what the product costs to include in the diet because of its many useful properties. Green peas not only is a source of vitamins, but also can help to lose weight.

As he said in conversation with the correspondent of “Rosbalt” dietitian-nutritionist Elizabeth hospital Olga Kondratenko, it is best to eat peas fresh. According to her, beans are sources of vegetable protein, so they are often prescribed for weight loss. In General, the fruits are not high in calories.

“a Large number of vitamins B, C, PP, E, A, K, macroelements such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, selenium. For example, the first two have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, as stabilize blood pressure. The same property at Selena, but he still acts as an antioxidant, removing free radicals from the body, that is, prevents aging of the organism”, — said Kalugin.

Peas contains essential acids that act as neurotransmitters to improve brain function, promote the synthesis of “good” hemoglobin, which is useful for people with anemia have a positive effect on the blood.

“fresh peas contain dietary fiber that is often prescribed in weight loss programs, detoxes, to normalize the digestive process. By cleansing the intestinal walls, the enrichment of good microflora. Acts as prevention of gastrointestinal problems,” said the nutritionist.

Assign the fruits in the prevention of atherosclerosis, diabetes. In this case there are contraindications.

“it is Connected with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, can be an individual intolerance. Often faced with allergies, and very specific. Not recommended for any acute situations, postoperative States,” explained Kondratenko.

Earlier, the nutritionist told readers of “Rosbalt» why you should not abuse the beets and radishes.

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