Burglars ransacked a safe in the house of the leader of the group Uma2rman (video)

the burglary occurred in the house of artist Vladimir Kristovsky, who heads the team of Uma2rman. According to the musician, the prey of criminals became the jewelry of his wife, although they clearly hoped for more.

“we had some visitors, broke the window and went to the third floor, because there was a large gun safe, — said the musician to subscribers of their Instagram. — Apparently, they hoped that in the safe is a lot of money. Apparently did not know that the musicians are not rich, especially now, when work is no shit…”

At the same time on the safe Kristovskij specifically it was written that it is not stored neither money nor valuable objects. Weapons burglars are not tempted.

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Publish from Vladimir Kristovskiy (@vova_kristovskiy)

20 Jun 2020 12:23 PDT

According to the singer, the incident occurred when the whole family was at the cottage. Who committed the penetration in their home, are found out by investigators.

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