A burial, the first of its kind, has been discovered in the “Pompeii maya”, at Joya de Cerén (el Salvador), a city buried by a volcanic eruption there are more than 1400 years, announced Thursday the minister salvadoran culture.

human bones, in poor condition, were discovered at the beginning of November, buried with a knife of obsidian, in this place known as world Heritage of humanity by Unesco, and located approximately 35 km north of the capital, San Salvador. The person buried “lived without doubt the city but has not been killed by the eruption” of the volcano Loma Caldera, according to the archaeologist Michelle Toledo. “We believe that this burial dates from the time late classic, 600-900 years ap. JC, as there was in the pit of the TBJ,” the terre blanche young, a result of the eruption of 535 ad. JC, said the archaeologist.

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“We believe that this burial dates from the time late classic, 600-900 years ap. JC”

Michelle Toledo, an archaeologist

This eruption-a cataclysmic volcano Loma Caldera has destroyed the habitats of the mayas around, and is at the origin of the formation of the lake of Ilopango, of a surface area of over 50 km2. This is the first time in over 40 years of excavations, a burial was discovered on the site. “The excavation will be extended until December around the location of the discovery, said Michelle Toledo.

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The burial of Joya de Cerén by the ash from the eruption preserved the structures of the city and to know the mode of life in the locality in maya, including rituals, agriculture, commerce, administration and dietary habits. Features that make it compare to Pompeii, buried by a cloud burning of mount Vesuvius in 79 av JC.