In the top 100 worst movies of all time Allociné, Alad’2 figure in eighteenth position. Asked in One is not lying Saturday night on France 2, the star of the film Kev Adams has given his explanation on this classification is established according to the notes of the internet users. For the humorist, many “spam”, “people getting together to say, “come on, we rot on this film,””; are at the origin of this result.

” READ ALSO – Aladdin : Allociné suspected of tampering with the notes.

“there are people who are deeply convinced that I do not have the right to make films, so that you are not going to see, and who spend days – it has been proven, I asked the people of Pathé to study it a little because it is mind-blowing – to put bad comments and to further discourage the people to go to see this film, he assured Charles Consigny who asked him about the subject. They feel that they have some influence over it”,he added while pointing out that it was more on the website dedicated to cinema and series.

If Kev Adams is often the scapegoat for the “haters”, it is because, according to him, the “jealousy” but also the “frustration”. “When we are in the light, when we have the chance to do something that we love, when we seem happy, sometimes it bothers people. Sometimes it bothers them”, he says before taking its experienced staff of many years ago as an example. “When I started doing this, I looked at the others who were already and I was frustrated. (…) I said to myself: “Why him more than me?””. And to conclude: “I think that if I had not had the chance to succeed, maybe I myself would have been one of those who criticize on the Internet.”