This is a decision that is expected with impatience. The tribunal de grande instance of Nanterre will announce Tuesday, may 28, if the French court is competent to arbitrate the succession rough Johnny Hallyday. Or if it is american law that applies. To avoid that the tips of Laeticia Hallyday delay the procedure in making an appeal to the court of Versailles, Emmanuel Ravanas, lawyer, Laura Smet, has asked for a “provisional execution”. If tomorrow, the court order is attached to this execution then the case will be very quickly judged on the merits. With the thorny question: Johnny Hallyday had the right to write his last will and testament california in which he disinherits totally her four children for the sole benefit of his wife Laeticia?

” READ ALSO – Laeticia Hallyday emergency request the transfer of new assets in the United States

On the eve of this crucial step in the settlement of the succession, and the war that has been ongoing since months …

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