Some of the forgotten revenge, in a wonderful manner. Locked in a small suitcase for more than sixty years ago, an unfinished manuscript of Irene Nemirovsky, deported as a jew shortly after having finished the writing, is finally published in 2004 under the title Suite française . It becomes a bestseller and won the Prix Renaudot – which does not always go hand-in-hand – so posthumous. A first! Ten years later, this fresco-fiction unfinished (two volumes written on the five planned) is adapted for the cinema, giving it an aura of popular a little more important. Here it is in the theatre, directed by Virginie Lemoine. Risky bet so, at least from an artistic point of view.

” Reserve your tickets for Storm in June on Ticketac

The first component of (less famous), Storm in June , is played in the early evening. We are in June, 1940. “France is in flames”. In Paris, people are organizing to go to reach land more lenient. Families, couples, a priest, with a group of children… Touched by the grace, Frank Desmedt embodies all the characters with nothing, a suitcase, a chair. Molière 2018, actor in a supporting role for Goodbye, Mr. Haffmann , brings to life a dark period of our History through the “small” story. Realistic and dazzling.

Love irresolute

suite française is a sequel without being one. We can come see each show separately. The action takes place two years later, in the center of France. In the Angellier, the atmosphere is cut with a knife. Mrs. (wonderful Beatrice Agenin) do not support the presence in it of an officer of the Wehrmacht. Avaricieuse and bigoted, she drags his rigid silhouette grieving as a watermark behind the wallpaper. It is finely lighted. We see his humanity in the dark. She hates her daughter-in-law, Lucile, whose husband volage, was made a prisoner, at least as much as the nazis. It falls slowly in love with the enemy.

In the role of loving, Florence Pernel and Samuel Glaumé have nothing to envy to Matthias Schoenaerts and Michelle Williams (who embody the characters on the big screen). They are great, they are beautiful. They have the look. Him has merit. Play the German accent for more than an hour is not funny. It could be a bad joke from family meals. It holds it well. It is seductive. He plays the piano. Speaking of Balzac and quotes Cornelius: “Tell me, Madame, that you do not hate me” point.

” Reserve your tickets for Suite française on Ticketac

It comes almost to forget that France was occupied. In the village, the resistance organizes itself softly. The wife of the Mayor (Guilaine Londez, great) advocates for the charity but denounces its neighbours. The people’s anger is rising between the bourgeois and their sharecroppers. The war highlighted all the bad sides. In the Angellier, it is the one that will be the least gracious in the face of the invaders. And woe to those who dare to smile at them. It cleans up before the time.

For the love, everything can be said in mid-word. The essential is guess. It is Lost in translation under the Occupation. The novel lends itself well to the theatre, is said to be coming out. Welcome more the work of Virginie Lemoine, who does everything to keep in the living room burghers of Angellier. Without being insipid, or dead time, or frills. Without a lot of daring, not more. There’s a lot of respect for the author and her extraordinary story, she died in 1942 in Auschwitz, unaware of the immense success of his Suite française .

Storm in June, Tuesday to Friday at 19, Saturday at 15h and 19h. Follow-up of “Suite française”, from Tuesday to Friday at 21h, Saturday at 16: 45 and 21, at the Théâtre La Bruyère. 5, rue La Bruyère (IXe). Tel.: 01 48 74 76 99.