Friend of the family of Ephraim: the Wife of actor prepares for difficult times

the family of the actor Mikhail Yefremov, accused in a criminal case of “drunken” accident in Central Moscow, which killed people, left without a breadwinner, prepare for the worst. We are talking in particular about the financial situation of a family with three children.

friend of the family of Ephraim, restaurateur Tatyana Berkovich said that the artist’s wife Sofya Kruglikova in the near future will not be easy, since she will be alone to include three children.

According to Berkowitz, said “StarHit”, the eldest daughter of Ephraim likely will be forced to go for jobs. “Because there are still two minor children. The family prepares for the worst,” concluded the friend of the actor.

we will Remind, road accident with participation of Ephraim was recorded on the evening of 8 June, when actor went on the Garden ring in Moscow into the oncoming lane and collided with a van. The driver of the van died in hospital. In the blood of Ephraim found traces of alcohol and drugs.

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