Gardener told how easy it is to grow harvest raspberries

the Secrets of growing harvest raspberry shared gardener Irina Mashkina.

As told to “Rosbalt” Irina Mashkina, think about the future crop need since planting in the autumn. When choosing a place for the raspberry bushes, it is important to give preference to closed from the wind site, where the accumulating snow will protect the plant from wind and frost. This will allow the shrub not to lose the fruit buds. It is not necessary to put the raspberries into a valley, this can lead to root rot from waterlogged.

gives Good results trench method of planting raspberries. Previously the site should be cleared of a dense turf and weeds. To plant a shrub you need in a pre-dug trench depth of about 40 cm and a width of about 50 cm If you expect multiple rows, the distance between them should be not less than 130 cm

“In the trenches need to lay cushion 10 cm — rotted manure, dead leaves, twigs, mixed with a fertile layer of earth. On a pillow and planted raspberries. This will not feed her 2-3 years”, — said Irina Mashkina.

it’s Important to watch young bushes not scored the weeds. Also, it is useful to loosening of row spacing. When the plant reaches a meter in height, pinch the top 10-15 cm From their sinuses will begin to grow lateral branches. In the spring, while Bush has not yet turned green, these side shoots are pruned to 5 cm So formed a kind of tree. This method allows twice to raise the yield of raspberry Bush.

However, if you are planting everbearing berries, the secrets of others, among them thinning. For example, after the first recoil of the berries are cut otplodonosivshih two-year shoots. Remontant raspberry really does not respond well to thickening berries shrinking and getting smaller. Therefore, Bush has only four fruit-bearing shoots.

as top dressing to be applied in the spring when growing up POBthe ECI, and in the fall, it is better to use rotted manure, fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium.

If winter in your area is cold, the raspberries need to tie in bundles and, bowing to the ground, good cover with snow. If the spring cover raspberry bushes black film, the harvest you can harvest early for 10-14 days, said the gardener.

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