Historian Daniil Kotsyubinsky told how bad the legacy that Nicholas left to his son Alexander II, influenced the course of history

“Rosbalt” continues to acquaint readers with the series of lectures Daniil Kotsyubinsky “In search of the real king,” about the history of Russia from Rurik to Putin.

On the eighteenth lecture, the historian explained why the Great reforms, including the abolition of serfdom, Alexander II for a long time interfered to bring to life what was left of him after his death Nicholas I.

Nearly 160 years ago was one of the most significant events in Russian history — the abolition of serfdom. He made this grandiose reform of Emperor Alexander II. However, this solution he was able to bring to life with great difficulty. One of the reasons for this were complex social and bureaucratic “legacy”, which was left to Alexander by his father Nicholas I. this was at “the house concert” in the press center “Rosbalta” told historian Daniil Kotsyubinsky.

“In the “legacy” from Nicholas I Alexander II was not a very liberal government, although among the highest dignitaries were supporters of reform. If Alexander I during the beginning of the reign was surrounded by his young friends and associates — and indeed then the idea of the reform was on the rise, especially among the politically active and youthful part of the nobility, — that Alexander II was afraid to carry out the liberation of the peasants, because reasonable feared obsidians conservative opposition, afraid of those aristocrats who could kill,” — said Kovel.

Alexander II, according to the historian, it helped that his father, Nicholas I, was able to distance itself from the bureaucratic nobility, he built a powerful bureaucratic Empire. Although Nicholas I was put in charge of the government, mostly conservative-minded Ministers, who adhered to the ideology of autocracy, Orthodoxy, nationalities, and one of the pillars of this ideology was the reliance on the nobility, in General, Nicholas pursued a policy aimed at the gradual atgotoku the liberation of the peasants. However, “legacy” Alexander II got still a lot of dignitaries-conservatives.

“He was surrounded by people, many of whom he did not sympathize with, but which, however, was unquestioning executors of the Royal will — what they taught Nicholas. In the end, based on the service loyalty of the conservatives (which, of course, did everything possible to make the agrarian reform as painless as possible for landlords), as well as support for new assistants are ardent supporters of liberal reforms, Alexander II was able to liberate the peasants and to hold a number of important reforms, which have remained in historical memory as the Great,” concluded Kotsyubinsky.

Complete video lectures you can watch on the channel of “Rosbalt” in YouTube.

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