In Belarus

Belarusian police are investigation against presidential candidate Valery Tsepkalo. The politician could engage in “illegal activity” what in the power structure said a man, told journalists the representative of the Ministry of interior Angelica Kurchak.

According to her, “the Prosecutor General’s office has received and examined the statement of the citizen of Belarus, it was directed at the competence of the Ministry of interior for validation of arguments”.

Earlier media reported that the statement on Tsepkalo allegedly wrote a citizen of Turkey, however, which denied this information.

the opponent of the incumbent President “theoretically did not rule out” that it can be sent to jail in a criminal case, as the other two competitors Alexander Lukashenko: Victor Babariko and Sergei Tikhanovski. At the same time Tsepkalo said that his election campaign at the moment is “the most pure”.

Elections of the President of Belarus will be held on 9 August. In the list of candidates left seven people.

Valery Tsepkalo is the Creator of the Belarusian “silicon valley” — Park of high technologies.

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