In Khabarovsk detained video blogger covering the protests

In the Khabarovsk police detained the searching of the journalist Alexei Romanov, who led a popular YouTube online-broadcast from the rally in Khabarovsk. According to police, he was actively involved in unauthorized protests, reports DVHAB.RU.

the Novels lived in Khabarovsk and worked at one of the local TV channels, but then he began to lead a socio-political channel on YouTube, and soon began to feel the pressure of the security forces. As a result, in 2016, the Novels moved to Georgia. In the days of the protests, he returned to Khabarovsk, to illuminate the action.

on Friday he was detained. Alexei Romanov will be judged according to p. 6.1 of article 20.2 of the administrative code. He faces arrest for up to 15 days. The blogger said that during the detention the police officers violated his rights: “Dragged, lifted, pressed to the wall, grabbed by the arms and hair. The police were extremely ugly”.