In restaurants of Paris, has invented an original way of distancing (video)

Restaurants, cafes and bars in France to resume work on June 2, however, because of the coronavirus will be forced to comply with strict safety standards.

All institutions will open in the West — from the pyrénées and Languedoc to Normandy, Lyon and the côte d’azur will allow the only the terraces, but in Paris and Northern regions, the restaurants will reopen later.

However, Paris is already preparing to live a new life, and restaurateurs come up with for their institutions creative ways of “protecting” customers. One of the restaurateurs hung over tables, plastic domes, insulating guests in from each other and from the hall.

À Paris, vous pourrez bientôt manger au restaurant… sous cloche. Reportage @ayd_hassan #AFP

— Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) May 30, 2020

In an interview with AFP, the owner of the restaurant HAND in the first district of Paris noted that this separation could be “even more poetic than vulgar”.

in addition, the innovation allows to reduce the number of tables in the room, which is a big plus for institutions, badly burned because of the pandemic.

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