In the Czech Republic closed

security Service and information the Czech Republic has officially closed the case about the threat of ricin poisoning headman of the district Prague 6 Andrea Kolář and the mayor of Prague Zdenek Griba.

In April, the Czech newspaper Respekt wrote about the arrival in Prague of a man with a Russian diplomatic passport, and whose baggage was allegedly poison, intended to poison the Prague politicians. The reason for the assassination attempt on the mayor Respekt he called his decision to name the square in front of Russian Embassy by name of Boris Nemtsov, and attempted Kolář could be prepared as a revenge for the demolition of the monument to Marshal Konev.

the secret service stated that it received an anonymous e-mail stating the arrival of a Russian diplomat with the ricin. Both officials were taken under protection. Information about the threat was not confirmed. According to the version of the Czech intelligence services, the author of the letter was employee of the Russian Embassy, who sent it to SBI, to hurt the peer.

background rezinovaja scandal June 5, the authorities declared two Russian diplomats persona non grata. After Prime Minister Andrew Babish recognized that information about the crime was false, sent got right back to Prague.

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