In the state Duma proposed to give

In the state Duma the idea to give the so-called “late” (food with expired or expiring), animal feed, processed into fertilizer or biogas. The bill developed by the Duma Committee on ecology and environmental protection.

How to write “Vedomosti”, the document has already been sent to the Ministry of environment, Ministry of agriculture and the Ministry for feedback. In reference to the act States that it is now extremely acute problem of utilization of “delay” and substandard products. Such products should be disposed of (recycled) or to carry out the burial in landfills, but in reality the system has not been established, and stores don’t have incentive to do this kind of work. In addition, the disposal is connected with additional costs, including for examination which confirms that the product can be recycled. In this direct transfer of raw products to farmers or the poor in Russia is prohibited. In the end food waste in the retail trade fall in the polygon.

the law proposed to shift to the processors the costs of examination, storage, transportation or destruction of “delay”. Then the disposal will be beneficial to them, as well as shops, farms, zoos and other interested parties.

the Ministry of industry and trade said that while the document was not read, but the idea generally approve. The Ministry of agriculture with the bill not yet read, in the Ministry did not comment. While cromie shopping network (“Pyaterochka”, “Intersection”, “Magnet”) the idea of deputies approved.

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