It became known as increased the subsistence minimum in Russia

the subsistence minimum in Russia increased by 2.2% in the first quarter of 2020 the previous month and is 10 843 thousand rubles.

according to the draft of the Ministry of labor of the Russian Federation, published on the Federal portal of projects of normative legal acts in the whole country, the subsistence level per capita is 10 843 thousand rubles (for the quarter) for the working population of 11 thousand 731 rouble, pensioners — 8 944 thousand rubles, children — 10 721 thousand rubles.

the cost of living Index is used to assess quality of life in the country, and in the development of Federal and social programs, explains

we also Recall, back in January of this year, Secretary of the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (FNPR) Oleg Sokolov expressed confidence that the system of calculation of the minimum wage (SMIC) in Russia is outdated.

In his view, “the method of calculating the subsistence minimum of able-bodied person, which operates in Russia since 2013, does not meet modern realities, and, in particular, growth rates and cost of services.”

moreover, “the value of the minimum consumer budget (MCB) shall be not less than 40 thousand rubles”, says Sokolov, whose opinion is cited on the website of the FNPR.

From January 1, 2020, the minimum wage in Russia was raised to 850 rubles and reached 12 thousand 130 roubles a month. Thus, he became equal to the subsistence minimum for the II quarter of 2019.

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