“We’re one person divided into two bodies”, declared Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne in Release , at the time of The Promise , the film that was revealed in 1996 in Cannes at the Quinzaine des réalisateurs. Since then, the belgian brothers have won two palmes d’or ( Rosetta in 1999, The Child in 2005). If they make a third one for The Young Ahmed , there will be no dispute ; the trophy will join the other two in their office. The Dardenne make up a filmmaker’s two-headed. It is not, therefore, absurd to speak of a single voice.

LE FIGARO. – Where did The Young Ahmed ?

Jean-Pierre and Luc DARDENNE. – We think about it for a few years. It is linked to the context, of course, to the attacks in France and Belgium in 2015 and 2016. We have not yet seen the film of André Téchiné, Farewell to the night , but we have seen movies on this subject which have preceded us: Disintegration , by Philippe Faucon, The sky will wait , Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar… We wondered …

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