The news prevails, sometimes to the point of tripping on the words, interiority holds it back. Juliette Binoche lights up the film in a discreet and sensitive, bold in their choices, clear in his convictions. Before the comedy Double lives Olivier Assayas (January 16, 2019), after the off-putting science fiction of Claire Denis Highlife , here in the mysterious forest of japan, Journey to Yoshino , Naomi Kawase, honored at the Centre Pompidou. And Kore-eda, and Emmanuel Carrère are in his calendar.

LE FIGARO. – What do you like about Naomi Kawase?

Juliette BINOCHE . It has a unique way of filming the forest. She is attentive to the trees, the light, the wind. It is as if she was invoking the presence of spirits, as if there were an elsewhere to his film. There is at it a call back to deep springs, which undoubtedly comes from having been abandoned by her parents. She knew how to cope with this pain by reconnecting to the spirits of the …

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