Kirill Serebrennikov: This is fucking hell

Director Kirill Serebrennikov, who was convicted in the “case, “the Seventh Studio” gave his first interview after his sentencing. In an interview with us to The Hollywood Reporter he shared his thoughts about the criminal case, the defendant is.

once again the pieces of silver said he did not consider himself guilty. “It was ridiculous. Three years of lies. They say: “We have nothing against him as an artist, we are only against financial fraud”. But there was no fraud, I never had dealings with the Finance Department. I know nothing about the damn money. My entire career I tried to stay as far away from that goddamn money and now I am a member of the case of money. It’s fucking hell”, — quotes the Director of “StarHit”.

Also, the pieces of silver thanked all who supported him in this difficult time. He noted that it was very strange to be under house arrest during the premiere of “Nureyev”, which everyone, including the Minister of culture, applauded.

Recall the verdict of the Meshchansky court by Kirill Serebrennikov, convicted of major fraud, sentenced to three years of probation. He also must pay a fine of 800 thousand rubles. In addition, together with two other defendants, he is obliged to repay the damage, which, in the opinion of the court, was dealt to the Ministry of culture for their criminal actions. The amount of damage is 128 million rubles. None of Finogentov investigation pleaded not guilty. Lawyers said the verdict will be appealed.

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