Ministry of health: the state of the COVID-positive pregnant women can deteriorate rapidly

As the novel coronavirus infected pregnant women can deteriorate rapidly, even though the previously stable course of the disease. This prevents the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation in a new wording of recommendations on provision of medical care for pregnant women, new mothers and newborns with COVID-19.

the Ministry notes that systematic observation of 108 infected pregnant women have shown that they have an increased risk of severe complications and the likelihood of their hospitalization in the ICU is higher than other cases. In the most serious risk are pregnant women with concomitant diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, with obesity, problems with the immune system, kidneys and liver.

the Most common symptoms in pregnant women with coronavirus that causes cough and fever, rarely-fatigue, diarrhea, shortness of breath, myalgia and sore throat. Complications — premature labor (21-39%), growth retardation of the fetus and fetal distress (10%), miscarriage (2% of cases). While 91% of pregnant women with coronavirus in different indications gave birth by caesarean section.

If the disease is transferred to mild or asymptomatic, pregnant women are recommended to do an ultrasound every four weeks.

we will Remind, according to the latest data of the Ministry of health coronavirus detected in 2 thousand pregnant women, 800 of them are in Moscow.

Earlier today it was reported that the Ministry of health recommended be sure to test all newborn children in Russia to a new coronavirus infection. The test should be conducted immediately after birth. Also, the guidelines States that analysis is required if the mother or have contact with a child was confirmed as a coronavirus, or suspected, or if the newborn was admitted to the hospital with suspicion or confirmation of infection COVID-19.

Earlier, the chief freelance specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Leila Adamyan explained that the coronavirus is not transmitted from a sick pregnant mother to child. “Mother as if to protectyaet your child if she has even a positive COVID-19, child sterile, he is born healthy,” she said. According to Adamyan, the newborn might get sick after the child has contact with mother and others.

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