Named the best season for weight loss

Fitness trainer and expert weight loss Stanislav Miloslavsky said, when is the best time to go on a diet and start losing weight.

According to him, “bad time” will not happen. “I wouldn’t have put the question: “what is the best time to lose weight?”, — said the expert in an interview with “Evening Moscow”. The expert believes that it is important not to delay the weight loss to protect themselves from the negative effects of extra pounds that trigger high blood pressure, problems with joints.

“Start losing weight when you realize that you need it and make a decision,” advises Miloslavsky. However, he acknowledged that summer is in this respect favorable season. First of all, people in the summer eat less, eat more berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs, and drink more water. Exercise in warm time of the year most pleasant, the expert added.

He also urged everyone to lose weight to do it in consultation with medical specialists of different profiles, for example, an endocrinologist.

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