They are five and sing like no other. What? All. The good old French chanson of the 30’s or 40’s, great opera arias, tubes of varieties of more or less good taste, chunks of rock familiar songs of love, Saint-Preux, Sam Brown, rap, Joe Dassin (with and without a megaphone), lullabies, generic tv series, Purcell… all a cappella, but especially at the service of a beautiful story, beautifully setting the scene (even choreographed) by Philippe Lelièvre. In a minimalist décor and clever, moving from the serious to the treble with the same ease as to imitate sounds of animals or tools, funny and crazy, this vocal quintet is a delight to see and hear. Each with his or her body (baritone, alto, tenor, or soprano), each in its color (literally and figuratively), everyone comes to a moment of bravery memorable, they make the world a lighter and been less heavy.

“Oh, beautiful life!” by Five of the heart, …

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