Posted a video with Panin, who called Aksenova incompetent and

REN TV Channel has published a video commentary of the actor Alexei Panin, criticized the deceased people’s artist of Russia Mikhail Aksenova as an artist and Director.

According to him, Kokshenov was the most incompetent Director in his life. While Panin noted that Kokshenov “was genilno in the sense that he was kind, human, real.” The actor added that said Kokhanovo in the face that he is a bad Director, but as the actor is “wooden”. “I told the truth. But nobody wants to hear it,” said Panin.

Mikhail Kokshenov died June 4 after a long illness. He became famous for his roles in the films “can’t be!” “Little tragedies”, “the Most charming and attractive”, “Shirley myrli”.

media reported that Panin scandal goodbye Aksenovym in the ritual hall of the Mitinsky crematorium due to inappropriate speech.

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