Putin is allowed to

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law on multi-day voting in elections at all levels. The document is available on the portal of legal information.

Recall, the law was previously adopted by the state Duma and the Federation Council approved. It allows to stretch the holding of elections in a few days, but not more than three. The decision about multi-day voting would have to take CEC or a relevant election Commission if the elections are held in the region or municipality.

this decision may be made not later than in ten days from the day of official publication (publication) of the decision on appointment of elections, referenda, and is not subject to revision, the document says. It is also permitted to vote the so-called mobile groups and outside polling stations, as it was at the all-Russian vote on the amendment of the Constitution — on the benches, etc.

According to the decision of an election Commission can be put to a vote with the following additional features: “voting outside the premises for voting in the territories and in places suitable equipment for voting (on the local area, in common areas and in other places) and voting of groups of voters, referendum participants who reside (are located) in settlements and other places where there are no premises for voting and the transport message with which is difficult”, — stated in the new law.