Scientists have found a way to detect five forms of cancer a few years before the first signs

American and Chinese scientists have developed a method, allowing the blood test to detect five types of cancer for four years before the first signs. According to the journal Nature Communications, the appropriate test is able to efficiently identify at the earliest stages of stomach cancer, esophagus, lung and liver and colorectal cancer. It clarifies the RIA “Novosti”, the blood samples for the study were collected as part of the 10-year study. It was attended by over 120 thousand people, each of which in the period from 2007 to 2017 were blood tests and passed regular audits from the doctors. During the study collected more than 1.6 million samples are now stored in the archives of the University. The experiment is unusual in that specialists have access to blood cancer patients, taken before they were diagnosed with cancer using traditional methods. Scientists have studied samples of both healthy and sick people from the same cohort. They analyzed plasma samples from 605 asymptomatic individuals and 191 of whom were later diagnosed with cancer, 223 samples from cancer patients with a confirmed diagnosis, as well as 200 samples of primary tumor and normal tissue. Thus, scientists have identified blood markers for early cancer and was able to focus on the test. The new method has identified cancer in 91% of cases in people who had no symptoms when he took a blood test. The corresponding diagnosis was made only after one to four years. With 95% probability the test detects no cancer. For patients whose cancer has already been diagnosed at the time of blood sampling, the likelihood of identifying early markers was 88%. The researchers stressed that the test does not predict who may develop cancer, and who is not. It identifies patients who already have cancers, but they remain asymptomatic for modern detection methods.

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