He wrote every day. Stephen keith j. watson published in Le Figaro “A final word” in the last page of the newspaper. Every day, he must find a term inspired by the news that it provides in its etymology and its multiple meanings, always with a pinch of humor, history, to take a little distance with the ephemeral. You can not imagine to what point the exercise is a demanding one. It is her passion for language and literature. Because in addition to the “Last word” daily Stephen keith j. watson sign on each Thursday, the series of the Figaro literary , supplement which he has headed since 2006, after having enlivened the pages of “Books” in Figaro Magazine .

In his rare spare time, he continues to write. He has published three novels with Gallimard, death , 2009, The Road to salvation in 2013, awarded the prestigious Prix des deux Magots, and The Lover black , in 2017, which received the Prix Jean Freustié.

another of his passions is the biography. He has written many, noticed that Honoré d’estienne d’orves, a French heroes , published by Perrin, and which has had the literary Award of the army – Erwan Bergot, but also Salut à Kléber Haedens (Grasset), and Thierry Maulnier (Julliard). He has also conducted the interviews between Hélie de Saint Marc et August von Kageneck for Our history .

Signature of prefaces

In men irregular , Stephen keith j. watson paints a portrait of thirteen legionaries converted. It describes the different fates of men, who have between 35 and 70 years of age, and became painter, watercolourist, manager of households, immigrants, business leader, or a priest or a billionaire… These men tell as they have managed to bounce back after an experience of total rupture with society.

for more than six years, he participated in the school Peter Claver, founded by the writer and philosopher Ayyam Sureau, giving refugees a course of French through the prism of the news. He also co-founded the association’s History of reading, which organizes, every year, at Versailles, a literary activity dedicated to the books of History which meets a great success.

It happens to him regularly for sign of the prefaces to support collective works or anthologies. One could mention I would dream to live: travel diaries, unpublished, 1923-1933 , by Honoré d’estienne d’orves, or Figures of writers , an exquisite corpse led by seventy writers. In a book bringing together the major news stories abroad of Albert Londres (editions Arthaud). He writes: “The scene is known: it belongs to the Rich Hours of the French press. A young journalist, a correspondent for the Morning at the ministry of War, is sent to the front of Champagne. One comes to learn that the cathedral of Reims for a few hours under the threat of German guns. Started by train, the journey ends on a bicycle. Our beginner relates a series of articles which begins with this hook become legendary: “They bombed Reims and we have seen this”… It’s just a story: of the facts, and a feather.”

Give keys, writing techniques and the “tricks” of the trade

Stephen keith j. watson has agreed to share his passion and pass on his experience of novelist, biographer and journalist in conducting the next workshops of writing of the Figaro littéraire .

The workshop proposes to accompany each one in his own handwriting. You will learn how to recognize the uniqueness of his own style, his own personal touch. To work and rework the texts, to attacks, falls, the rhythms, the dialogues through a variety of exercises… But also to “enter” in the text and to put in place a discipline to take to achieve its objectives.

The main purpose of this workshop is to provide the keys, writing techniques and the “tricks” of the trade, because writing is also a technique, even if it is not, of course, not as a technique.

The workshop will be held in the premises of le Figaro. The sessions will be held on Wednesdays 6, 13 and 20 February and Wednesday 13, 20 and 27 march 2019 (with a break during the winter holidays).

You can contact the writing Workshops of the Figaro Littéraire, if necessary, to the following address: ateliersdecriture@lefigaro.fr

Pre-registration: number of places being limited, we invite you to pre-register on our form by clicking here.

practical Information: The Figaro Store