The lesson of the heat wave has brought. It is under the shade of the courtyard of the rue du docteur Fanton (nothing to do with Roger Fenton, the pioneer English of photography and the first war photographer who documented the Crimean War) were officially opened, Monday, July 1 at noon, the 50th Rencontres d’arles. Before the appointed hour, the few non-reserved seats were already taken by assault, as the VIP (Very Important Person), not to say the MIP (Most Important Person), were in number to the rite of the inauguration in the HQ Meetings.

” READ ALSO – Arles, a city blessed by the cultural patronage

in The first row, three former ministers of Culture, Françoise Nyssen all smiles and all charm of provence with saffron yellow, Aurélie Filippetti, the proud amazon to the slim waist with his morgue customary, and Jack Lang, tanned beyond the reasonable. Two invited to the royal reserve, Maja Hoffmann, the patron of switzerland, camarguaise of the heart, in which the Luma Foundation, signed Frank Gehry, overlooks the ancient city, and …

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