While the family Voice continues to tear up in public, Edwige Antier, pediatrician, graduated in psychopathology, former mp and author of the first proposal for a law against corporal punishment, analyzes the content of Orléans (Grasset), the last work of Yann Moix, where part of the controversy.

” READ ALSO – “It is a balance: Yann Moix accuses his brother of having delivered his drawings anti-semitic

LE FIGARO. – The family Voice continues to wash its dirty linen in public, after the release of’ Orléans by Grasset. What are your thoughts on this great unpacking?
Edwige ANTIER. – This controversy is necessary. Finally, the word children is free! It is always said that privacy must be the door closed, it was said this also for domestic violence. Today, a man reveals publicly the feelings of a child when they suffer from violence, physical and psychological. The problem is not whether it was right or if he invents, the problem is the violence described. From …

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