“Diversity, camaraderie, agility” was the moto of the company DCA at its inception in 1983. Years after, he brings together yet. Four scores of former dancers of these years Decouflé have delivered the slippers. Everything must go , spear Philippe Decouflé, 61 years of age, slender like the first day. He balances his thirty years of creation, by occupying all of Chaillot, with its three theatres, its public spaces, its stairs, its grand foyer…

” READ ALSO – Philippe Decouflé pays tribute to Christophe Salengro, “a great poet”

Nothing to buy in these dance pieces that have marked our gaze from the parade of the bicentennial of the Revolution in 1989, and then the olympic Games of Albertville in 1992. Nothing to buy, but just to review, since “everything must go”, the gestures inscribed in the space fainted penalty strokes, as the mere mortals are their interpreters. Some have been mowed down in the road. A mausoleum throws a firework tenderly tangy …

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