The coronavirus vaccine successfully tested at the Institute of the defense Ministry on the hamsters and monkeys

Preclinical testing of a vaccine against coronavirus in monkeys and hamsters have shown the safety of the drug. Reported about it in interview to the newspaper “Red star” head of the 48th Central research Institute of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation Sergey Borisevich.

“In the framework of the preclinical research by the experts of the 48th Central research Institute of the defense Ministry was successfully completed studies on two species of animals: monkeys and hamsters. During the studies have shown and proven safety of the drug and its protective efficiency,” he said.

With the start of the pandemic with the coronavirus fell ill in the world more than 6.2 million people, approximately 370 thousand died. Russia was 423 thousand 741 case of infection, recovered 186 thousand 985 people died 5 thousand 37.

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