The court in the case of

In the Nizhny Novgorod region decided to send administrative material about the violation of the quarantine measures in connection with the coronavirus against the actor Nikita Dzhigurda at his place of residence in Moscow. Reports this decision was taken in the Diveevo district court.

on the Eve of the Army stopped the police from Diveevo monastery, where previously an outbreak of coronavirus infection and the village of Diveevo was closed for quarantine. It drew up a Protocol on administrative violation due to the penetration on karantinu territory. The artist himself claims that the restrictive measures introduced in Diveevo is illegal. Dzhigurda, recall, States that to wear a protective mask during a pandemic coronavirus, he banned religious beliefs.

Earlier, in a similar way to Diveevo stopped the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. Her administrative case was also transferred to Moscow.

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