The CPS wrote coronavirus rules for kindergartens, schools, camps and game rooms

CPS has developed the rules of work of institutions in the context of pandemic coronavirus COVID-19. The document is valid until 1 January 2021.

according to the office rules apply to schools, kindergartens, camps, clubs, social services, children’s playrooms in shopping and entertainment centers (SEC).

At the entrance to institutions of children and adults have a non-contact way to measure temperature. Those who have it promoted or visible symptoms of SARS, will not start. Visitors must comply with social distance. Children from different groups must be “maximally divided”. Premises should be regularly cleaned with antiseptics, toys are disinfected daily. All activities in kindergartens should be conducted outdoors or in a room assigned to the group.

Visitors game rooms in the Mall also will measure the temperature at the entrance, daily cleaning with disinfectants, the use of the device for air disinfection, to disinfect toys.

schools for each class should be assigned a separate office. With the exception of physical education classes, fine arts, physics, chemistry, labor and technology. Classes should study according to an individual schedule, so as not to intersect on the change.

In the summer camps is also prescribed to minimize the contacts between children from different groups. Activities should be conducted outdoors. The camp allowed parents and outsiders, counselor, and children are not allowed to temporarily leave camp — check-in and check-out must be carried out clearly at the beginning and end of the shift. The campground is prohibited.

earlier today, the health Ministry said that children, “landing” the new coronavirus COVID-19, usually sick for 1-2 weeks, then recover. In the updated recommendations of the Ministry of health on the treatment of coronavirus in children it is noted that the vast majority of all known cases of coronavirus in children associated with conbeats with sick adults. Not less than a quarter of affected children carry the coronavirus without symptoms. Hospitalization is required for less than 10% of affected children. Severe sore about 1% of children, usually children with severe concomitant diseases.

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