The doctor called the products that can help to cope with stress

endocrinologist Natalia Puzyreva told about the products the use of which will help the body fight stress.

According to her, during times of stress a person loses a large amount of magnesium. However, as the doctor said, the lack of this element by 15% increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

“Lack of magnesium provokes stress. In times of stress produces adrenaline, norepinephrine, which promote the excretion of magnesium from the cell depots,” said Puzyreva in the program “the main”, video published on YouTube on 3 June.

In this regard, the endocrinologist advises people suffering from stress, eat magnesium-rich vegetables, fruits, herbs and nuts fresh harvest, and also whole grain products.

in severe magnesium deficiency, the doctor rekomenduet to drink products, where the trace mineral combined with the vitamins of group B. It also warned that such drinks as coffee, tea, alcohol slow down the absorption of magnesium.

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