The experts listed anti-aging skin products

Healthy eating — the key to healthy skin. What products should be mandatory in the diet, especially after 35 years, was told by the nutritionists, which quotes the portal Cursorinfo.

So, according to experts, should eat more foods rich in vitamin C, which helps boost the immune system, but also allows you to gain healthy and clean young skin. Lean should be lemon juice, oranges, kiwi, cabbage, apples, bell peppers, parsley, berries.

Pay special attention to chicken eggs, which are high in protein, which supports skin regeneration after burns, inflammations, infections, violating its integrity. The diet is also important to include turmeric — this spice has antimicrobial properties that help to fight skin problems — acne and other infections.

in addition, nutritionists recommend to drink more plain water — it stimulates the processes of detoxification, which is beneficial to the skin, prevents inflammation, provides even tone, protects against the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

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