The Investigative Committee has established a Department to investigate crimes in the field of IT

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin has created in the Department a special Department on investigation of crimes in the IT field. This was reported by the official representative SK the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. According to the head of SK Alexander Bastrykin, in 2013 the crime rate with the use of high technology has increased more than 20 times. Last year the given indicator in comparison with 2018 has increased almost in 2 times. So, in 2019, it was 294,4 thousand crimes, or 68.5% more. In the field of computer security in 2019 was 2.8 thousand crimes during the last three years, the growth was 65%. The new unit should combine the efforts of various governmental agencies, scientific institutions and experts to counter criminal phenomena in the information sector. As noted in SK, employees of the Department are tasked with creating specific approaches, methods of investigation, and formation of an analytical framework, accumulating information about the cybercrimes committed in the country.

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