The priest said to pray in whit

Orthodox Christians on June 8 to celebrate the Day of the Holy spirit. What is remarkable about this holiday, and what should be the prayer of the faithful, the correspondent of “Rosbalt” explained the St. Petersburg priest, deacon Leonid Polyakov.

“Many call this holiday the Spirits of the day, but is this some kind of familiarity and levity. Better to say “Holy spirit Day”. Needs to be a certain distance, respect and worship God,” said deacon.

According to him, the Holy spirit is inextricably linked with the Day of the Holy Trinity, which is celebrated the day before. They both belong to the same event — the coming of the Holy spirit on the apostles.

“on this day occurred the phenomenon of the Holy spirit, third person of the Holy Trinity. It was then that the people entered a relationship with him — looked up at the sky in the hope for strength and support from God and grace. You need to understand that the spirit is not the energy emanating from God, not something like radiation. Is a person a person, and it is impossible to underestimate the influence of the Holy spirit in the life of the Church and of each person. It is permanent. At the same time, of all the persons of the Trinity the spirit is the unknowable and difficult describable. It is like the strength of our relationship with God that builds our relationship and gives you the opportunity to speak to the father through his son” — explains Leonid Polyakov.

According to the priest, it is the same Holy spirit that at the beginning of the Bible was hovering over the waters like a bird, protecting and making the universe. This, above all, creative, creative force, and to this day it fills each of the faithful. And the best way to celebrate the holiday — come to the temple and pray.

“we can draw an analogy — we are celebrating the birthday of a close person in his house? So here come to celebrate the birth of the Holy spirit in the house of the heavenly father in the temple. Here you can access your serDCE and fill it with the power of the Holy spirit, primarily through the sacrament of the Eucharist. On this day we should pray the same way as in any other — about what we care about, what bothers. The prayer should start with thanksgiving and praise to God,” recommends Leonid Polyakov.

Deacon recalls that a Christian man do not the rituals and inner feeling.

“the Man who comes to the Day of the Holy Trinity with a green Bush in the Baptism of water, and the Easter — egg will not become a Christian, even if baptized and knows by heart the prayers. It is important to live by the Holy spirit, had the strength to do the right thing. After all, the external will remain external, but internal go into eternity,” said the priest.

Earlier, the “Rosbalt” wrote, what not to do in Trinity.

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