The psychologist warned of the dangers of excessive emotions in the heat

the Psychologist told how to behave in hot weather to avoid deterioration.

According to the psychologist of the Moscow service of psychological aid to the population of Catherine Igonina, reports the Agency “Moscow”, irritability in the heat is fraught with problems. The specialist noted that not tolerate heat primarily older people with chronic illnesses, overweight, high blood pressure or poor sleep.

Igonina advises for normal state of health in hot weather to stop being nervous and give the body and mind to relax. “Pause with a duration of 5-10 minutes, during which it is advisable to sit comfortably in a chair or on the couch, closed her eyes and took a deep, measured breath and thinking about pleasant things,” — said the psychologist.

the expert Also recommends heat to avoid excessive physical exertion, prolonged stay in close confined areas, as well as in transport.

the Psychologist finds it useful to rearrange the work schedule so “that the heat have a minimal effect on ability to perform work duties”.

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