The Russians began to refuse to travel to Sochi

the Russian tourists began to refuse to travel to Sochi. This is due to new rules introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

As told to “Interfax” the press Secretary of the Russian Union of travel industry (PCT) Irina Tyurina, people refuse to travel to Sochi, citing difficulties with obtaining the necessary certificates. Tourists do not have time to issue the paper within the deadline. The service itself will cost in the amount of from 1.3 thousand to 3 thousand rubles per person when the rest goes to a family, obtaining certificates is too expensive “pleasure”. Added Tyurin, tourists opposed to sitting in the room locked up, no walks, restaurants and entertainment.

earlier, Sochi has introduced measures for tourists because of the pandemic coronavirus. Everyone entering the resort you must provide a certificate confirming the absence of coronavirus, issued not later than 48 hours before arrival date and also to prove that they had no contact with sick people.

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