The state Duma asked the Ministry to regret cats and dogs

the Committee on ecology of state Duma again appealed to the Ministry with a request not to close the basements of apartment buildings — that are not killed stray cats.

As told to “Interfax” the head of Committee Vladimir Burmatov, informed MPs have already sought cancellation of the decision to close the basement, but again, the Ministry of construction intends to close the prospirits, through which the cats sneak into the basement. “We, of course, against. It is millions of lives of cats a year, which simply freezes in the winter on the streets, if the basements will be closed”, — said Burmatov.

the rate of closure of produhi in the basement is prescribed in the construction Ministry, the draft government resolution on the rules of content of common property in apartment buildings. It is about to install on all basement openings mesh “rodent”. MPs propose to add rules item that is sure to leave one produh permanently open. This corresponds to last year’s government decision on the common property of residential buildings, which completed a two-year discussion of the issue of cats in the basements of residential buildings.

Recall that in March 2019 the Ministry of construction announced that it had prepared a bill to establish in the basements of apartment houses to the special provisions for the humane treatment of homeless animals. The amendments proposed to leave in throughout the year one outdoor produh size not less than 15 by 15 cm in the basement for regular airing. The rest of the prospirits and holes was proposed to close the grids with a cell size of 0.5 cm, However, it was envisaged that such cells can be installed on all produhi “by decision of the General meeting of owners of premises in apartment houses”.

In April of 2018, the Ministry took the decision to require the preservation of prospirits in the foundations of houses. “We resolved to save, even oblige to keep in the basement produhi size 15 by 15 cm to ensure that the cats could get out of the basement and go to undershaft” — said the then Deputy Minister Andrei Chibis. He also noted that “by decision of the General meeting of owners on these produhi may be subject to the cage” that provides ventilation.

Animal rights activists repeatedly called for a ban to shut out the cats in the basement because it leads to death of animals that are trapped in the basement or, conversely, can’t get in there in the winter or to escape from any danger.

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