Trapped in a

the Little daughter of a business lawyer from Omsk Aizhan Asanovoy hospitalized in children’s hospital after a traffic accident through the fault of the driver. The patient and her mother because of a shortage of beds placed in the corridor. The woman who, in his own words, had previously been apolitical, only once in “shabby” the hospital, I realized that nothing not thought about politics before.

“Before the accident I always tried to avoid the topic of politics and power. But now, when I am in the hospital with my daughter in the hallway, in the hospital, where one unit is MSCT, and we are in the queue for the where the food is disgusting and the toilets are unbearable, I have a question on the actual topic: Why you really need an amendment to the Constitution?” — posted by Omichka in the social network.

Asenova accused the government of violating the Constitution — this “Treaty, my country does not”. In her words, Russia “wants the championship in the world, but does not understand that the world is ruled by someone who cares about his people and fulfills his Covenant.”

According to women, offering to vote at once for all amendments to the basic law, the government does not allow the Russians to choose. As a specialist in law, she noted that “most of the amendments could not be introduced, and simply Supplement the already existing Federal law” (Federal law — “Rosbalt”) — however, they are included, and at the same time “points on the President”, allowing Vladimir Putin after 2024 to participate again in the presidential election. “The fact that we only offered 2 choices: either for all amendments or against all, said the absence of choice” — considered Asenova.

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When a baby can walk? How to return restful sleep and carefree childhood? How to explain that yet not walk, and hay we don’t drink, because the hospital saves on electricity and your electric kettles is prohibited, and the legal issue boiled water before lunch, we lie in the house, because pay-busy and private clinics because of the political kovida closed a hospital… ⠀ Before the accident I always tried to avoid the topic of politics and power. But now, when I am in the hospital with my daughter in the hallway, in the hospital, where one unit is MSCT, and we are in the queue for the where the food is disgusting and the toilets are unbearable, I have a question on the actual topic: Why you really need an amendment to the Constitution? ⠀ Accidents, of which more than 24 hours we do not know yet there is a fracture of the spine my daughter or not, for the daughter twitches in her sleep. Why the accident happened? ⠀ I’m not looking to blame, consciously about life, say and think from the principle of “it’s me”. But there is another principle of “unilateral contract”. I chose this country, paying her taxes – it’s my part of the contract and the government contract called “the Constitution” accepts the responsibility to protect the child, me, the blind taxi driver, so he is not sat behind the wheel for cents. ⠀ 1 Jul should vote for the amendment to the Constitution, the contract that my country does not. ⠀ You understand it. A large part of the amendments could not be introduced, and simply Supplement the already existing FZ. For example, “the Establishment of a unified legal framework for the health system, system of upbringing and education” does not require amendments to the Constitution. Enough to make changes in FZ “About bases of health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation” and “On education in RF”. ⠀ The majority of the amendments, you can simply add in the Federal law from this sphere, except points on the President. ⠀ The fact that we only offered 2 choices: either for all amendments or against all, talking about the lack of choice. ⠀ I’m not campaigning and not whine, I’m just laying with the baby on the bed onespace in the corridor in a shabby hospital in the country that wants primacy in the world, but don’t understand hthe world is ruled by someone who cares about his people and fulfills his Covenant.

Publish from the Business lawyer Aizhan Asenova (@lawyer_for_women)

18 Jun 2020 1:38 PDT

In January, speaking before the deputies of the state Duma and senators, Vladimir Putin proposed to change the Constitution. In March, the Deputy of the state Duma and the first female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova launched the idea to “reset” the timing of the current leader, the proposal was included in the list of amendments. It was assumed that the “Russian vote” on amendments will take place on 22 April, but the procedure failed because of pandemic coronavirus. New date of the plebiscite, the President appointed recently, following the cancellation of the long “holidays” in Russia. Residents have to Express their attitude to the list of changes in the main law of the country on 1 July.

Stories about how you tried to get help from the Russian state in terms of coronaries and what came of it, email it to