Who On the planet is infected COVID-19 is already more than 5.2 million people

In recent days, the world has recorded of 101.5 thousand cases of infection with coronavirus. Such data are cited by the world health organization (who).

the Total number of those infected is now more than 5.2 million

most cases in North and South America (over 2.3 million), the second place is Europe (over 2 million).

has Died, according to official data of the authorities of different countries, 337 687 thousand people.

Earlier, the who representative in Russia, Melita Vujnović warned that the world could face a second wave of the epidemic of the coronavirus after the easing of quarantine measures.

Stories about how you tried to get help from the Russian state in terms of coronaries and what came of it, email it to COVID-19@rosbalt.ru