And God created the woman in the yellow jacket. Since she said “my time on earth will, therefore, have not been in vain”, Brigitte Bardot, 84 years of age, to the flowers, decided not to disguise his feelings, good or bad. In an interview granted to the Parisian Sunday, she referred to, alternately, the movement of popular protests that ignited France, his refusal to shoot with Jean-Paul Belmondo for Claude Lelouch, his opposition to the policy of the president Macron, his disdain for the neo-feminism and the icing on the cake of his rants, his contempt displayed in the cinema today.

” READ ALSO – Brigitte Bardot, Michel Polnareff, Kaaris… These celebrities who are sponsoring the “yellow vests”

Point-by-Point, The e Figaro presents the belching, sometimes spiritual, a woman who was, there will now be almost a half-century, the French actress, the most famous of the world.

jaundice, or communism…

BB which will have been a time accused of espousing the theses of the national Front is for the last three weeks become with other celebrities such as Kaaris or Polnareff, a yellow jacket: “I am with them. Macron has not granted the tax reduction provided in January. You have one side of the ministers with a driver, the other people who have three francs six under to finish the month. I’m gonna become a communist… No, still not (smile). But Macron kills the little people. It hurts me in the heart. I wish him… a good jaundice.”

“Claude Lelouch does fly, not walk, to him!”

Remaking a film, a last, for BB it will never be question. Just last week, she has dismissed the director of a Man and A woman who proposed to him yet to replay to the side of Jean-Paul Belmondo. “Eight days ago, Claude Lelouch to phone me. He said to me: “Bridget, I called you because I would like to offer you something.” I said no immediately, without letting him finish his sentence. No! After we talked about something else. He made a film with Belmondo and he wanted to do with the return of Belmondo and Brigitte Bardot. It does fly, not walk, him! Listen, it isn’t even a question.”

” READ ALSO – Brigitte Bardot gun at all-goes to the hunters, a species protected by the government

With a Macron it is: I love you, moi non plus.

The current president of the Republic exercises on Brigitte Bardot both a fascination and rejection. “Macron has a charm. He should be an actor, this type. It has a nice physics, it is extraordinarily attractive,” she said. But later, the actress could not hold back his resentment: “He behaves like a teacher without empathy, extremely distant, superior, with a side of royal.”

BB will not in The deep

It is known to the heroine of the Contempt of Godard – the greatest movie in the world for a few reviews advised – the French cinema today is not worth tripette. The last comedy of Gilles Lellouche, who made a nice success at the box office, does not alter the case. And his judgment is as severe as funny: “Seven guys in speedos at the pool, no, what a horror!”