Home Education Air pollution: The air of this world is too dirty for children’s...

Air pollution: The air of this world is too dirty for children’s lungs


Contents page 1 — The air of this world is too dirty for children’s lungs page 2 — especially in houses gases are a Problem On a page

The worldwide air pollution has become, especially for children, a major health Problem, according to the world health organization (WHO) in a recent report. This appears just before your upcoming conference on the topic of air pollution and health in Geneva. The Numbers presented in it, are alarming.

Worldwide, 93 percent of children under the age of 18 years living in regions in which the particulate matter load exceeds the predetermined reference values. In Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean countries such as Turkey are even approximately one hundred percent. The guideline values derived by the WHO and were last updated in 2005. The air pollution, the report shows, hits the poorer countries significantly more than developed Nations. In poorer countries, about 98 percent of the children are breathing worse air than specified. In high-income countries, compared to only 52 percent.

ultra-fine dust, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and suspended particles from contaminated air, according to the report, in 2016 worldwide, with more than half a Million children died under the age of five in advance. The authors of the report also write that nine percent of all deaths, which were caused by the effects of air pollution, accounts for children.

fine dust What is air pollution?

Dirty it is outside by pollutants from different sources: industry, road transport, agriculture, energy production and nature itself. The cleaner the air is, the less likely people suffering from seizures to strokes, heart disease, lung cancer or respiratory disorders such as Asthma. Also people have proven to be longer, if you can breathe fresh air. The medical journal The Lancet (Landrigan, 2017) estimates that air pollution is worldwide, approximately nine million premature deaths.