Estonia failed to develop a collective immunity against coronavirus

the first week of June at the Medical center and clinics Confido eve of Estonia was made 1079 tests for antibodies to the coronavirus. They discovered only 10 people, all 10 subjects reported the symptoms COVID-19, reports Delfi.

Doctors believe that based on these data, it is not necessary to speak about a large number of survivors and the establishment of herd immunity in Estonia.

For comparison, the neighbors Estonia, the results are as follows: according to the Department of health of Finland, antibodies to the coronavirus detected in the country in the course of various studies of 0.26-2.4% of the population; Swedish in Stockholm, they found in 7.3% of patients.

Since the beginning of the pandemic “officially” infected in Estonia, 1947, the man was cured — 1684, more than 86%. Died 69 patients.

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