Greenpeace: the Damage from the fuel spill in Norilsk can be calculated in billions of rubles

the Environmental damage from the fuel spill in Norilsk may reach billions of rubles, according to the organization “Greenpeace”.

As stated in the Russian branch of the organization, because of the oil spill in Norilsk in the river hit 15 thousand tons of diesel fuel. According to calculations of the organization, the damage one only water bodies of Taimyr Peninsula may exceed 6 billion rubles.

in addition to this, there was a emissions to air of polluting substances and damage the soil. It is noted that with the help of installed fences will be able to collect only a small part of the pollution.

Recall that after the depressurization of the tank at CHP-3 in Norilsk owned by Norilsk Nickel, spilled diesel fuel, some of it went into the river Barn. According to Rosprirodnadzor, the water is contaminated at 20 km, the layer thickness of oil products — up to 20 cm, President Putin introduced a state of emergency at the Federal level.

Three criminal cases brought after the fuel spill in Norilsk, combined into one, the case was transferred in the Main investigatory management SK of Russia.

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