In the USA re-legalized the practice of the death penalty

for the First time since 2003, the U.S. plan to resume the practice of executions in relation to Federal offenders.

U.S. attorney General William Barr said that before the end of the summer will be executed four people convicted for especially grave crimes.

the Three men will be executed in the period from 13 to 17 July and another on 28 August. They were convicted of the murders of children, some of whom were accompanied by rape.

“We owe the victims of these terrible crimes and their families to enforce the sentence imposed by our system of justice,” quoted Barr website of the U.S. justice Department.

Recall, 17 years ago, the country has imposed an unofficial moratorium on the death penalty because of inconsistent regulations on the use of lethal injection. In some States, criminals are still executed, only in 2019, the death sentence was executed against 22 people.

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