Residents of Kamchatka are asking Putin to save miners from a spawning river

opposition activists defended the spawning rivers of the region from the miners. A petition to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, published on already gained over a thousand signatures.

As noted in the petition, the mining of placer gold began the company “Dalstroy” on the Bystraya river is a Large, which is one of the main fishing rivers in Kamchatka. The authors of the petition note that the work is carried out in prestoungrange strip. On-site harvested woods and cedar, and also starred in the fertile soil that destroys a single ecological system.

the Activists emphasize that the river is one of the highest fisheries category. It is emphasized that the destruction of the habitats of salmon will lead to the demise of the fisheries industry and the economy of the West coast of Kamchatka. According to residents of the region, gold mining will bring harm to the basins of the rivers Bolshaya, and Avacha other rivers of Kamchatka.

thus, according to the Agency “Cominform” mining company received permission to develop the field from local authorities and from the Agency. Kamchatka officials appealed to the Prosecutor with the request to understand with legality of the operations.

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