The doctor told me why it is dangerous to appeal to cosmetologists at home

In the hope of saving do not apply to cosmetologists who provide services at home, warns Moscow cosmetologist, candidate of medical Sciences Marina Rebus.

According to him, kosmetologicheskie clinics equipped with expensive equipment, ventilation and disinfection, and use only certified products and tools. They regularly check the competent authorities, as this type of business are related to the medical field. According to Marina Rebus, to comply with all necessary requirements in the home is unrealistic.

in addition, the “experts” at home often, save it for quality, using an unchecked delivery and alternative dealers working with products of unknown origin” patients do “assign” yourself an unsafe procedure. “For example, they decide to “cheap and cheerful” to inject a home course biorevitalisation, and perhaps their type of skin and the underlying problem is not just useless, but dangerous”, — quotes “AIF” Marina Rebus.

the Doctor also said that in cosmetology is ever innocent services. Even cleansing requires consultation with the endocrinologist to determine the cause of the rash appeared.

“the Usual face mask can cause allergic reaction which can be expressed not only as red dots on the skin and angioedema. If in such a situation is not time to impose certain medicines, the person will die from suffocation. What can we say about the injections, the introduction of fibers, fillers and other procedures,” — said the expert.

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