The TV host urged Muscovites to adhere to the standards when making trips

When making trips, you must adhere to the norms of social distancing and to comply with all the prescribed measures, said the Agency “Moscow”, TV presenter and sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev. In his opinion, in compliance with all requirements will be able to “save yourself and save our beloved city.” “I was traveling on business two days ago, drove in one Moscow court. Saw a lot of children with parents and without. Rules are not always respected. But overall, I think that we should be guided by regulations to be very careful,” said the Guberniev. The presenter considers it necessary to wear masks and gloves in public. “I’m really not very confident on the street, if nobody around you need to wear a mask. Rather, the contrary. But as for public, private, moreover, sometimes these places include the street, if there are a lot of people, then the mask a must,” he added. Guberniev said that he took a decision: “the mask and gloves are the same attributes for several months certainly.”

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