Dr. Myasnikov told about the symptoms indicating the problem with the

well-Known TV presenter and Moscow’s doctor Alexander Myasnikov called a number of symptoms, talking about the problem with the thyroid gland in humans.

the Medic in the program “About the main thing” on TV channel “Russia 1” was reminded of the importance of thyroid hormone which causes a person to move. According to Myasnikov, if you have many hormones, it usually looks thin, maybe some get irritated and shout, and with a shortage of hormones, people become lethargic, they are often cold, they have hair fall out.

Among the signs of problems with the “thyroid” butchers also called arrhythmia and uncomfortable palpitations. In addition, people in the poor performance “thyroid” might have trouble with skin and hair, high cholesterol, suffer from neuroses and psychoses.

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